About us

Martina Barceloni Corte - ULiège 

Martina Barcelloni Corte, Venezia, Italy, 1980. Architect and PhD in urbanism, worked as freelancer for several international offices, and taught in the field of architecture and urbanism at a number of international schools as, IUAV Venice (IT), Politecnico di Milano (IT), GSAPP Columbia University (US), EPF Lausanne (CH), National University of Singapore (SGP).  At EPFL she has been Scientific Collaborator from 2014 to 2020 and Habitat Research Center’s Coordinator from 2018 to 2020. Since 2020 she is Associate Professor of Landscape Urbanism (Chargée de Cours) at the Faculty of Architecture of University of Liège (BE) and Director of the Architecture Research Unit (URA) within the same. Her field of expertise focuses on the design of cities and territories in the face of environmental constraint and risk, and a new understanding of the relation between human and natural agency. 

Johannes Berry - KU Leuven - Sugiberry

Johannes Berry is a South African architect based in Brussels. He studied Fashion design in Cape Town, before obtaining a BA in architecture from the University of Hasselt and an MSc in architecture from the KU Leuven, where he has been teaching since 2015. In 2016 Berry founded SUGIBERRY with Mayu Takasugi based in Brussels & Tokyo. In 2018 Berry founded the architectural magazine Gallery Magazine (http://gallery-mag.com/) with Jonathan R. Maj.​
Affiliation : KU Leuven - Faculty of Architecture

Benoît Burquel - ULB - AgwA architects

Benoît Burquel (1981) graduated as a Civil Engineer Architect at ULiège in 2005. He obtained a Master of Human Settlements from the KU Leuven in 2007. After lecturing and researching at ULiège in 2014-2017, he currently lectures at ULB. He co-organized the summer schools "Real Estate Architecture" running from 2016 until 2018. He is a partner of AgwA architects since 2017.
Affiliation : ULB La Cambre Horta

Stijn Cools - KU Leuven - aNNo architecten

Stijn Cools (1980) studied engineering sciences and architecture in Leuven (B) and Ferrara (IT). He also holds a master in conservation of Monuments and Sites from the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (KU Leuven). In 2008 he founded the aNNo architecten (Ghent, B), that operates on the border of architecture, heritage preservation and interior architecture. Since 2017 he is a tutor at the University of Leuven, department of Architecture. Stijn teaches a theoretical course and design studio regarding architecture and renovation. In 2021 he started the research project REVALUE that questions the curated distance between architecture and heritage by testing the boundaries of the ‘heritage imaginaries’.
Affiliation : KU Leuven Faculty of Engineering Sciences: architecture

Johan De Walsche - UAntwerpen

Johan De Walsche is full time associate professor at the Faculty of Design Sciences of the University of Antwerp, member of the Henry van de Velde research group and of the research board of ARIA, the Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts. He is co-founder of ISTT (Interdisciplinary Studio for Territories in Transition). Trained as an engineer-architect he started his career combining studio teaching and professional practice for many years. He is former head of the architecture programme. His research interest focusses on methodologies of architectural design and practice-based research, and their transformative and emancipatory agency. At an applied level, this interest translates itself into design-driven actor-oriented approaches, such as urban living labs and participatory action research, in both Western (Belgium) and non-Western (Suriname and Brazil) contexts. Johan De Walsche has been council member of the EAAE (European Association for Architectural Education), founding member and main coordinator of the EAAE Education Academy. He is founding member of ARENA, an international network for architectural research, where he organized DR_SoM, a series about design research methodologies. He is member of the scientific committee of CA²RE (Community for Artistic and Architectural Research). Next to his teaching at the University of Antwerp, he taught at AHO, Oslo School of Architecture, acted as a guest lecturer at several European schools and is currently involved . He is co-editor of ONTO, a peer-reviewed journal on methodology of architectural design education. His work has been published in various academic and professional journals and books.
https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/research-groups/henry-van-de-velde/ ; https://www.istt.be/en ; http://www.arena-architecture.eu/about/ ; https://ca2re.eu/

Harold Fallon - KU Leuven - AgwA architects

Harold Fallon (1977) graduated as a Civil Engineer Architect at UCL in 2001. He co-founded AgwA architecture office in Brussels in 2003, focusing mainly on public projects for collectivities. AgwA's work is widely published and exhibited. Harold is lecturing and researching at the KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture since 2007. His PhD in architecture at the RMIT (au) "Metarbitrariness? : AgwA, an architecture of practice" researches the design strategies rooted at the heart of the practice and the relationships with the literary practice of poet Francis Ponge as inspirational force. Since 2018, he supervises and supports practising architects engaging their practice in doctoral research. As a co-founder of the In Practice inter university research group, he is co-editor of the In Practice books.
Affiliation : KU Leuven - Faculty of Architecture

Christine Fontaine - UCLouvain - ZED architects

Christine Fontaine is an architect and professor at UCLouvain-LOCI Brussels in the International Master’s program (loci_ima). She has worked as an architect and teacher in Belgium and Canada. Today, her practice with ZED architects covers public institutional buildings and social housing (www.z-ed.be). She has a postgraduate degree in transdisciplinary studies to approach contemporary issues. She organizes international multidisciplinary workshops in Europe, Canada, China and Chile where she has also been invited as guest professor and where she develops a robust teaching and research network on the cultural understanding of typo-morphologies and the challenges these are facing today.

Emilie Morales - ULB - Morales Finch

Emilie Morales (1983) graduated as an architect from La Cambre Brussels in 2007. Subsequent to this, she worked for several practices in Belgium and the U.K (including 6a Architects and Duggan Morris Architects) before co-founding Morales Finch with Tom Finch in London and Brussels in 2016. The studio is involved in a range of work, from the design of furniture to buildings, in the UK, Belgium and further afield. At the same time, Emilie is engaged in academic discourse through teaching at the Faculty of Architecture ULB La Cambre Horta since 2019 and is regularly invited to participate in seminaries and juries within and outside the Faculty.  

Tomas Ooms - KU Leuven - Studio Tuin en Wereld

Tomas Ooms studied Architecture (1995), Literature (1996), Research Methods (2009) and Music (2016). He is founding partner of STUDIO TUIN en WERELD (a&t architects, Antwerp, BE) and is academic promotor of the Master Dissertation Design Studio at the Master of Science in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture at the KU Leuven. His ongoing PhD research ‘Between: Yard and World: to Draw a Distinction: on the Form of Re-Entry: A Practice Between: Yard and World’ is a practice based architectural inquiry into space as relationships and scale invariance and spatial continence… As project- and team member he collaborated in several international research projects and won different scholarships, awards and competitions. He participated in international exhibitions and performances. Besides being a practicing architect, he is a composer and performing musician.
Affiliation : KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture

Virginie Pigeon - ULiège - Pigeon Ochej Paysage

Virginie Pigeon (1977) graduated as architect from ISA St Luc Liège, then certificated in landscape at ENSP Versailles. She is working for fifteen years, within the association PIGEON OCHEJ PAYSAGE, as a project author in the parallel disciplines of architecture: town planning, public space, territory, landscape and gardens. She handles projects on very different scales with varied programs, often in multidisciplinary teams: we are more particularly thinking about requalifications of the Val Benoit site in Liège and of the center of Courcelles, about the master plan and the public spaces of the new housing district in Walcourt, about the renovation of the Paulus park in Saint Gilles, classified, or the landscaped parking lot of Sart Tilman.
She has also been teaching in project workshops for ten years at the Liège Faculty of Architecture. She is currently involved in a thesis project focusing on territorial reinventions through cartographic operations.
Affiliation: ULiège – Faculty of architecture

Robin Schaeverbeke - KU Leuven

Robin’s practice situates itself in-between designer, researcher, teacher, draughtsman and improviser. Robin inquires and teaches architectural drawing and media at the Faculty of Architecture (Brussels-Ghent). He is also responsible for the "educational master of design-sciences" at the Faculty of Architecture - an educational program which inquires the training of designers and architects as secondary school teachers. His research centres around practice-based epistemologies of tools, techniques and formulas for architectural imagination in practice, teaching and learning.
Affiliation : KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture
Bibliography : https://www.kuleuven.be/wieiswie/en/person/00068986

Steven Schenk - KU Leuven - Schenk Hattori

Steven Schenk (1985) studied architecture in Antwerp (B) and Mendrisio (CH). After working as an architect at Miller Maranta in Basel he was a teaching assistant for the chair of Christ Gantenbein at ETH Zürich. In 2014 he founded the office Schenk Hattori, based in Antwerp and Tokyo. He currently teaches at Sint Lucas Gent and Brussels and started his PhD on the role of perception and imagination in the production of architecture.
Affiliation : KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture
Bibliography : https://www.kuleuven.be/wieiswie/en/person/00106089

Wouter Van Acker - ULB 

Wouter Van Acker is engineer-architect and associate professor at the Faculty of Architecture La Cambre Horta of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) where he co-directs the research centre hortence. His research focus is the (non-)operative use of history and strategies of retranscription in relation to brutalist and postmodern future heritage in Belgium. He teaches an architectural design studio on adaptive reuse, architectural theory and research methodology. He supervises several doctoral dissertations which bridge the gap between research-by-design and history-theory-criticism. His PhD dissertation (Ghent University, 2011) explored "the architecture of knowledge" and the history of architectural epistemology in the work of Paul Otlet (1868-1944). He co-edited four volumes among which most recently Architecture and Ugliness. Anti-aesthetics and the Ugly in Postmodern architecture (Bloomsbury 2020).  

Benoît Vandenbulcke - ULiège - AgwA architects

Benoît Vandenbulcke (1978) graduated as a Civil Engineer Architect at UCL in 2001.He co-founded AgwA architecture office in Brussels in 2003, focusing mainly on public projects for collectivities. AgwA's work is widely published and exhibited. His PhD in architecture at the UCLouvain is entitled "Abstraction, concrétion : lecture et production du projet d'architecture par immersion". Departing from research on his practice at AgwA, the research makes use of the tools of a designing architect to engage with the work of Sanaa, Zumthor and Herzog & De Meuron. He is currently professor at the faculty of Architecture of ULiège since 2017. As a co-founder of the In Practice inter university research group, he is co-editor of the In Practice books.
Affiliation : ULiège faculty of Architecture, laboratoire team XI
Bibliography : https://www.uliege.be/cms/c_9054334/fr/repertoire?uid=u227405