

The In Practice research group edits books which address the relationship of architecture practices with pedagogy or research, through their specific focus, design, methodology or content. Particularly, the peer-reviewed (VABB) series of books "In Practice" explores unique design processes. In Practices also supports books by organizing peer-review processes (see policy at bottom of the page).

AHA In Practice, A Travelogue by Leeke Reinders

For the fifth book in the In Practice series, Aurélie Hachez and Leeke Reinders invite readers on a road journey through three transformative projects: L’Ermitage in urban Brussels, suburban Jubel, and rural Ulysse. This volume not only explores the design process and its subsequent adoption by inhabitants but also delves into the theoretical implications of object agency in AHA’s work, the strategic day-to-day work ethic, and the creative portrayal of buildings as entities with their own narratives

27 € - 24*17 cm - 288p + dust jacket, english
editors : Harold Fallon (KU Leuven), Benoit Vandenbulcke (ULiège), Benoît Burquel (ULB)
authors : Leeke Reinders, Aurélie Hachez, Harold Fallon, Benoit Vandenbulcke, Benoît Burquel, Carlo Menon, Martina Barcelloni Corte and Karel Wuytack, Laura Muyldermans and Bart Decroos
published : Mer (art imprint of Borgerhoff & Lamberigts)
photographer: Delphine Mathy
layout : Orfée Grandhomme & Ismaël Bennani (Überknackig)
double blind peer review policy : see at the bottom of the page
ISBN : 978-9-4649-8737-9

Dyvik Kahlen In Practice, Villa RuBa

For the fourth book in the In Practice series, Dyvik Kahlen architects explore the design process of the Villa RuBa, located near Utrecht. Together with Fabrizio Ballabio, they develop the compositional research related to the historic typology of the villa and to the specificities of the sloping park in which it is located, and reveal how Virtual Reality is used to investigate the spatiality of the project before its realization on the construction site. Additional contributions evoke the role of annotation as a design tool, the ambivalence of a classical and vernacular project, and the entanglement of contemporary architecture with pop culture.

24 € - 24*17 cm - 193p + dust jacket, english
editors : Harold Fallon (KU Leuven), Benoît Vandenbulcke (ULiège), Benoît Burquel (ULB)
authors : Fabrizio Ballabio, Christopher Dyvik, Max Kahlen, Emma Letizia Jones, Pieterjan Ginckels with Monika Pattern and Kong DJ, Thomas Weaver, Harold Fallon, Benoît Burquel, Benoît Vandenbulcke
published : Mer (imprint of Borgerhoff & Lamberigts)
photographer: Antoine Espinasseau
layout : Orfée Grandhomme & Ismaël Bennani (Überknackig)
double blind peer review policy : see at the bottom of the page
ISBN : 978-9-4639-3930-0

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Buero Kofink Schels In Practice, T.I.A. House I+II

In this book, Matthieu Wellner and Buero Kofink Schels (architects Simon Jüttner and Sebastian Kofink) unfold the design process of T.I.A. House 1 +2, a project they designed and built in Almeria, Spain. Through the close observation of a set of unpublished key documents including sketches, scale models, plans, screenshots and pictures, they explore the critical value of real-time improvisation in architecture. Three additional contributions shed lateral light on the level of practice-based research, image theory and reuse paradigm.

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24*17 cm - 190p + dust jacket, english
editors : Harold Fallon (KU Leuven), Benoît Vandenbulcke (ULiège), Benoît Burquel (ULB)
authors : Mathieu Wellner, Simon Jüttner, Sebastian Kofink, Maud Hagelstein, Tadeja Zupancic, Muck Petzet, with contributions by Benoît Vandenbulcke, Benoît Burquel and Harold Fallon
published : Mer (imprint of Borgerhoff & Lamberigts)
photographer: Simon Jüttner
layout : Orfée Grandhomme & Ismaël Bennani (Überknackig)
double blind peer review policy : see at the bottom of the page
ISBN : 978-9-4639-3572-2


Raamwerk In Practice, Lichtervelde Youth House

In this book, Bart Decroos and Raamwerk (architects Gijs De Cock and Freek Dendooven) unfold the design process of Lichtervelde Youth Centre, through a set of unpublished work documents including sketches, scale models, plans, and pictures. Through four anecdotes, they explore how the reality of the constuction site allowed them to continue the design process during the realisation of the building itself. Beyond the singularity of this remarkable project, the book demonstrates the critical relevance of construction in architecture theory and discourses. Three additional contributions shed lateral light on the level of research, pedagogics and theory: the external outlook and the inner knowledge complement each other.

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24*17 cm - 182p + dust jacket, english
editors : Harold Fallon (KU Leuven), Benoît Vandenbulcke (ULiège), Benoît Burquel (ULB)
authors : Gijs De Cock, Freek Dendooven, Bart Decroos, and contributions by Benoît Vandenbulcke, Benoît Burquel, Harold Fallon
published : Mer (imprint of Borgerhoff & Lamberigts)
photographer: Stijn Bollaert
layout : Orfée Grandhomme & Ismaël Bennani (Überknackig)
double blind peer review policy : see at the bottom of the page
ISBN : 978-9-4639-3342-1


Philippe Vander Maren & Richard Venlet In Practice, House D

In this book, Philippe Vander Maren, Richard Venlet and Pierre Chabard explore and explicit the design process of House D through a set of unpublished work documents such as sketches, scale models, series of annotated plans, collages and pictures. They retrace the collaboration with the client, the exchanges between the architect and the artist, the moments of discovery of essential features of the design, the similarities and dissonances with architectural precedents. This book was produced following the In Practice conference in Liège, Galerie Opéra, on June 12th 2018. In Practice is an initiative of Harold Fallon (KU Leuven) and Benoît Vandenbulcke (ULiège). The book was double blind peer reviewed.

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Texts : Pierre Chabard, Philippe Vander Maren, Richard Venlet, with a contribution by Harold Fallon & Benoît Vandenbulcke
Editors : Harold Fallon (KU Leuven) and Benoît Vandenbulcke (ULiège)
Publisher : ARA MER
Design : Uberknackig - Orfée Grandhomme & Ismaël Bennani
Pictures : Jeroen Verrecht - All Documents : Philippe Vander Maren and Richard Venlet
ISBN : 978-9-4639-3040-6


LucAs Architecturebook #5 - de kleine grote selectie

The publication 'LucAs Architecturebook #5 de kleine grote selectie' is a selection of students' work put in perspective with their teachers' work, with contributions by several authors. In Practice supports the book by participating in the editing committee.

with works by Andreas Nonneman, Anne-Lise Vael, Aysegul Agaclitepe, Brecht De Roose, Camila Fallon, Celine Lecouturier, Damian Wnuk, Dries Matthijs, Ebbe Vandenberghe, Hannah Herrmann, Cecelia Vincent, Jente Boelaert, Juan Pizarro, Lexi Lauwers, Ken De Cocq, Liedewij Deruwe, Lorena Cirillo, Lina Etzkorn, Lucas D'Haen, Ruben De Vogelaere, Malou Legrand, Marie-Anne Vandevenne, Lucas Delabastita, Sophie Brewaeys, Stien Brewaeys, Stien Kestens, Timon Rabou, Wannes De Brouwer, Antonie Haffner, Jonathan Roelandts, Marco Suelves, Melanie Tschirren, Ard Dusseljee, Arno Chavée, Charlotte Vanhecke, Elena Levecq, Gaëtant Van Belleghem, Hanieh Mahpeykar, Hanne Deswert, Iman Demol, Jef Rasson, Jeroen Pilaat, Jill Gielen, Klaudio Curmaku, Léon Verheyen, Marie Keukeleire, Miguel Vervacke, Mumtaaz Viaene, Sarah Papegnies, Simon Boulez, Sophie Descamps, Christopher Paesbrugghe, Corneel Cannaerts, Dimitri Vangrunderbeek, Eva Demuynck, Harold Fallon, Johan Liekens, Johannes Berry, Karen Kesteloot, Laura Muyldermans, Laurens Bekemans, Lieven Dejaeghere, Michiel Helbig, Mira Sanders, Nele Stragier, Sophie Laenen, Thierry Lagrange, Tomas Ooms and Wim Goes. 

with texts by Sophie Laenen & Harold Fallon, Floris De Bruyn, Gosia Malgorzata Olchowska, Bart Hollanders, Frederik Ghyssaert, Dirk Jaspaert, Laura Muyldermans, Steven Schenk and Wes Degreef. 

Scientific Committee : Bart Hollanders, Bjorn Houttekier, Harold Fallon, Karen Kesteloot, Laura Muyldermans, Lennart Vandewaetere, Marius Vaneeckhoute and Sophie Laenen.

Editors : Sophie Laenen and Harold Fallon

Publisher : Yves Schoonjans (KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture)

ISBN: 9789492780232
Booklaunch on the 22nd of February 2023
copyright (Ghent), Mookshop (Toulouse), KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture (Burssels)

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LucAs Architecturebook #4 -the Eugeen Tanja selection

The publication 'LucAs Architecturebook #4 The Eugeen-Tanja Selection' is a selection by Eugeen Liebaut of students' work put in perspective with their teachers' work, with contributions by several authors. In Practice supports the book by organising the double blind peer reviewing of the text contributions and by participating in the editing committee.

with works by : Aya Salim, Balder Fabre, Britt Roelandt, Carl Canlas, Armelle Cuppens, Sem de Boer, Charlotte Delaet, Clément Braekevelt, Dries Matthijs, Elise Verstraete, Emma Cottyn, Emma Herregods, Emma Verhagen, Erinn De Waele, Eva Louf, Fiachra McCarthy, Flore Lenaerts, Gjiltinë Isufi, Hannah Gordts, Suzanne Jadoul, Ine Vangeenderhuysen, Liese-Lore Avermaete, Jan Dupon, Jente Boelaert, Justine Sleurs, Lara Windrickx, Laurens Decoster, Lena Smet, Fleur Peeters, Marie Brackeniers, Marie Porrez, Mariken Van Doninck, Marthe Sambaer, Maurits Verstraete, Nils Wellens, Nyall Smith, Ruben Otter, Wannes De Brouwer, Brecht De Roose, Vic Winters, Vincent Adeyemo, Vincent Nuyts, Yorick Neuts

with texts by Annemie Demeulemeester, Jasmien Wouters, Benjamin Eggermont, Eugeen Liebaut, Karen Kesteloot, Christopher Paesbrugghe, Kristien Vanmerhaeghe, Lars Fischer, Marine Boey, Riet Eckhout, Mira Sanders, Sophie Laenen, Tom Broekaert, Yves Malysse (peer reviewed)

Scientific Committee : Dirk Jaspaert, Eugeen Liebaut, Harold Fallon, Nele Stragier, Sophie Laenen, Wes De Greef

Editors : Sophie Laenen and Harold Fallon
Responsible Editor : Yves Schoonjans (KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture)
ISBN: 9789492780119
available at CIVA (Brussels - sponsoring partner), copyright (Ghent), Mookshop (Toulouse), KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture (Burssels)

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LucAs Architecturebook #3 -the Eugeen Tanja selection

The publication 'LucAs Architecturebook #3 The Eugeen-Tanja Selection' is a selection by Eugeen Liebaut of students' work put in perspective with their teachers' work, with contributions by several authors. In Practice supports the book by organising the double blind peer reviewing of the text contributions and by participating in the editing committee.

with works by : Amber Vermaete, Arne Zenner, Bram De Gieter, Camila Fallon, Caroline Voet, Céline Wyffels, Christopher Paesbrugghe, Daan Vanbrabant, Ebbe Vandenberghe, Egon Pollers, Vincent Vanassche , Job Borgonjon, Flore Wauters, Jan Dupon, Jo Van Den Berghe, Jonathan Cludts, Jora Declerck, Justine Vandevyvere, Lars Fischer, Laura Muyldermans, Louise Beerts, Manou Van den Eynde, Marie Nevejan, Mariken Van Doninck
Marius Vaneeckhoutte, Marta Cardoso Moreira de Vasconcelos Ribeiro, Maxim Lannaux, Mira Sanders, Mumtaaz Viaene, Nele Stragier, Nicolas De Wispelaere, Renaud Mooyaert, Rosie van der Schans, Salvator Sanders, Sander Rutgers, Steven Schenk, Stijn Jalon, Tom Van Genechten, Wesley Degreef, Wim Goossens, Arnaud Hendrickx, Winnie Nollet

with texts by Jochen Schamelhout, Asli Çiçek, Robin Schaeverbeke, Raamwerk (Gijs De Cock, Freek Dendooven) (peer reviewed)

Scientific Committee : Wesley De Greef, Harold Fallon, Bart Hollanders, Dirk Jaspaert, Sophie Laenen, Eugeen Liebaut, Nele Stragier

with a keynote contribution by Dirk Jaspaert and Eugeen Liebaut

Editors : Sophie Laenen and Harold Fallon
Responsible Editor : Dag Boutsen (KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture)
ISBN: 9789492780072
available at CIVA (Brussels - sponsoring partner), copyright (Ghent), Mookshop (Toulouse), KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture (Brussels)

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LucAs -Architecturebook #2 - De Eugeen-Tanja Selection

The publication 'LucAs Architecturebook #2 The Eugeen-Tanja Selection' is a selection by Eugeen Liebaut of students' work put in perspective with their teachers' work, with contributions by several authors. In Practice supports the publication through the collaboration and contributions of Harold Fallon, Steven Schenk and Johannes Berry.

Authors of the works: students: Amber Van De Rostyne, Amelie Bimberg, Elke Meiresonne, Elya Delanote, Tim Schautteet, Linde Redant, Robbe Schelfhout, Suzan Vercaempst, Emma Herregods, Gabrio Rogiers, Gauthier Algoet, Issa Driesen, Job Borgonjon, Julie Hilderson, Liese-Lore Avermaete, Lore Delputte, Ludwig Vandenbergen, Sander Despriet, Dries Van Cauter, Maaike Snel, Matthis Adam, Robbe Cornelis, Jora Decleck, Stijn Maes, Max Stabel, Tatiana Darnovsky, Wietse De Cooman, Zitta Van Den Bosch. Teachers: Harold Fallon, Jo Van Den Berghe, Johannes Berry, Karen Kesteloot, Klaas Goris, Lars Ficher, Nele Stragier, Sophie Laenen, Steven Schenk, Thiery Lagrange, Wesley Degreef, Wim Goes, Wim Goossens, Arnaud Hendrickx, Dirk Jaspaert.
Authors of the texts : Jan De Vylder, Eugeen Liebaut, Harold Fallon, Vald Ionescu, Benjamin Eggermont.
Editing: Rajesh Heyninckx, the scientific commitee.
The scientific commitee: Wesley Degreef, Jan De Vylder, Harold Fallon, Bart Hollanders, Dirk Jaspaert, Sophie Laenen, Eugeen Liebaut.
The supporting committee: Johannes Berry, Annemie Demeulemeester, Bjorn Houttekier, Yves Malysse, Robin Schaeverbeke, Nele Stragier, Jo Van Den Berghe, Kobe Van Praet.
Coordination: Sophie Laenen.
Layout: We became Aware, Valentijn Goethals.

ISBN : 978-94-9278058

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LucAs -Architecturebook #1 - De Eugeen-Tanja Selection

The publication 'LucAs Architecturebook #2 The Eugeen-Tanja Selection' is a selection by Eugeen Liebaut of students' work put in perspective with their teachers' work, with contributions by several authors. In Practice supports the publication through the collaboration and contributions of Harold Fallon

Authors of the works:Jan De Vylder, Harold Fallon, Eugeen Liebaut, Tomas Ooms, Job Borgonjon, Kobe De Greef,Aäron De Leeuw, Catherine Denayer, Charlotte Deneve, Timothy Ghyssaert, Hendrik Haeyaert, Rieke Vancaeyzeele, Ludwig Vandenbergen, Evelien Van den Eekhaut, Manou Vanden Eynde, Helen Van De Vloet, Anton Parys, Egon Pollers, Wesley Degreef, Riet Eeckhout, Tobias Labarque, Yves Malysse, Sander Rutgers, Jo Van Den Berghe, Dietlinde Verhaeghe.

Editing: Dag Boutsen, KU Leuven Faculteit Architectuur
The scientific commitee: Wesley Degreef, Jan De Vylder, Harold Fallon, Bart Hollanders, Dirk Jaspaert, Sophie Laenen, Eugeen Liebaut.
The supporting committee: Johannes Berry, Annemie Demeulemeester, Wim Goes, Bjorn Houttekier, Marc Macken, Yves Malysse, Bruno Peeters, Robin Schaeverbeke, Nele Stragier, Jo Van Den Berghe, Kobe Van Praet, Arnout Van Vaerenbergh, Kris Van Meert.
Coordination: Sophie Laenen.
Layout: We became Aware, Valentijn Goethals, ZsaZsa Tuffy.

ISBN : 978-90-82510874

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