LucAs Architecturebook #6 - de kleine grote selectie
The publication 'LucAs Architecturebook #6 de kleine grote selectie' is a selection of students' work put in perspective with their teachers' work, with contributions by several authors. In Practice supports the book by participating in the editing committee.
with works by Aiko Moons, Aline Lievens, Amber Vermaete, Lucas D’haen, Emma Verhagen, Andrea-Leticia Keri, Anouk Meurice, Arno Chavée, Brent Muys, Charlotte Vanhecke, Clelia Barberá Ramallo, Daan Vanbrabant, Damian Wnuk, Douwe Neven, Stijn Jalon, Elina Lenders, Melina Jafarian Bakri, Emre Gönul, Eline Coghe, Elise Vuylsteke, Evin Esen, Febe Coppin, Elly Calis, Fien Vertriest, Felix Leroy, Fiachra McCarthy, Frauke Soetewey, Gaëtan Van Belleghem, Gulbahar Kizgin, Hannah Hermann, Ijeoma Ruben, Ilja Betzema, Iuliia Galkina, Izali Pottie, Jannes Moons, Leopold Parras, Jef Rasson, Jeroen Pilaat, Jiahe Liang, Yifei Yuan, Julie lenaerts, Kilian Paterson, Lauren Delporte, Leila Zahedi, Louwies Pitteljon, Ard Dusseljee, Marie Keukeleire, Nils Wellens, Felix Leroy, Kristof Schellemans, Nina Sergeant, Nyall Smith, Ortega Saez Emilio, Pia Vandeputte, Siebe Jansegers, Annemie Demeulemeester, Arian Schelstraete, Corneel Cannaerts, Doug Allard, Floris De Bruyn, Harold Fallon, Jasmien Wouters, Jolien Naeyaert, Jonathan Robert Maj, Karen Kesteloot, Kobe Van Praet, Kristien Vanmerhaeghe, Lars Fischer, Lennart Vandewaetere, Michiel Helbig, Riet Eeckhout, Robin Schaeverbeke, Sophie Laenen, and Theo De Meyer.
with texts by Olivier Goethals, Filip Mattens, Jolien Naeyaert, Miriam Rohde, and Sarah Poot.
Scientific Committee: Arian Schelstraete, Bart Hollanders, Bjorn Houttekier, Jolien Naeyaert, Karen Kesteloot, Laura Muyldermans, Lennart Vandewaetere, Marius Vaneeckhoutte, Harold Fallon, Sophie Laenen, and Wim Van der Vurst.
Editors: Sophie Laenen and Harold Fallon
Publisher : Yves Schoonjans (KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture)
ISBN: 9789492780256
available at copyright (Ghent), Mookshop (Toulouse), KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture (Burssels)
Download pdf (doi): https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14924980