LucAs Architecturebook #3 -the Eugeen Tanja selection

The publication 'LucAs Architecturebook #3 The Eugeen-Tanja Selection' is a selection by Eugeen Liebaut of students' work put in perspective with their teachers' work, with contributions by several authors. In Practice supports the book by organising the double blind peer reviewing of the text contributions and by participating in the editing committee.

with works by : Amber Vermaete, Arne Zenner, Bram De Gieter, Camila Fallon, Caroline Voet, Céline Wyffels, Christopher Paesbrugghe, Daan Vanbrabant, Ebbe Vandenberghe, Egon Pollers, Vincent Vanassche , Job Borgonjon, Flore Wauters, Jan Dupon, Jo Van Den Berghe, Jonathan Cludts, Jora Declerck, Justine Vandevyvere, Lars Fischer, Laura Muyldermans, Louise Beerts, Manou Van den Eynde, Marie Nevejan, Mariken Van Doninck, Marius Vaneeckhoutte, Marta Cardoso Moreira de Vasconcelos Ribeiro, Maxim Lannaux, Mira Sanders, Mumtaaz Viaene, Nele Stragier, Nicolas De Wispelaere, Renaud Mooyaert, Rosie van der Schans, Salvator Sanders, Sander Rutgers, Steven Schenk, Stijn Jalon, Tom Van Genechten, Wesley Degreef, Wim Goossens, Arnaud Hendrickx, Winnie Nollet

with texts by Jochen Schamelhout, Asli Çiçek, Robin Schaeverbeke, Raamwerk (Gijs De Cock, Freek Dendooven) (peer reviewed)

Scientific Committee : Wesley De Greef, Harold Fallon, Bart Hollanders, Dirk Jaspaert, Sophie Laenen, Eugeen Liebaut, Nele Stragier

with a keynote contribution by Dirk Jaspaert and Eugeen Liebaut

Editors : Sophie Laenen and Harold Fallon
Responsible Editor : Dag Boutsen (KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture)
ISBN: 9789492780072
available at CIVA (Brussels - sponsoring partner), copyright (Ghent), Mookshop (Toulouse), KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture (Brussels)

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