
In Practice is an interuniversity research group inviting practising architects to engage their practice(s) at the heart of their research. In Practice seeks to open a space for architecture practices in research through the organisation and development of conferences, lectures, publications, educational and research projects, etc. In Practice is a joint initiative of the Faculties of Architecture at KU Leuven, ULiège, ULB, UAntwerpen en UCLouvain.


"Raamwerk In Practice" DAM Book Award 2021 prize Winner

We are proud to announce that the book “Raamwerk In Practice, Lichtervelde Youth Centre” is one of the ten prize winners of the DAM Book Award 2021 amongst 235 candidates. The book is edited by Harold Fallon (KU Leuven), Benoît Vandenbulcke (ULiège) and Benoît Burquel (ULB) as an initiative of the interuniversity research group .

The authors are Bart Decroos, Freek Dendooven and Gijs De Cock with contributions by Harold Fallon, Benoît Vandenbulcke and Benoît Burquel. The book is double-blind peer reviewed.

It is published by Mer (imprint of Borgerhoff & Lamberigts) :
It is also available digitally in open access:

The award ceremony is streamed online :

In Practice Conference and lecture - 27 October 2021

Wednesday 27-10-2021 at C I.II.III.IV. A, rue de l'Ermitage, 55

10:00 PRACTICES IN RESEARCH #03 practice-based research seminar
scientific committee : Ido Avissar (List, EAV&T Paris-Est), Jean-Marc Besse (EHESS), Lisa De Visscher (A+ architecture in Belgium, ULiège), Annelies De Smet (KU Leuven), Rolf Hughes (KU Leuven), Michaël Obrist (feld72, TU Wien)


free entry- covid safety rules apply - registration
organizing committee : B. Burquel, H. Fallon, B. Vandenbulcke
support : CIVA, Flanders State of The Art, ULB, KU Leuven, ULiège

Practice based doctoral seminar

The practice-based doctoral seminar is organised jointly by the faculties of architecture of ULiège and KU Leuven. It will include six contributions by Virginie Pigeon, Steven Schenk, Johannes Berry, Stijn Cools, Floris De Bruyn, Jean-Philippe Possoz. Invited panel members are Eric Le Coguiec (ULiège) and Karen Kesteloot (KU Leuven, Studio Bont).

If you would like to attend, you are most welcome. Please note that previous registration by e-mail is necessary (

Coronavirus regulations will be respected strictly since the seminar is organised live (wearing a face mask is compulsory).

(image © AHA Aurélie Hachez)


Practices in Research #03 - Explorations and Cartographies

This is the call for contributions regarding the conference on practice-based research in architecture planned for October 21st 2021 at CIVA in Brussels and for the third issue of the online open access double-blind peer-reviewed journal In Practice. Please download the call through the link below for details.

*** EXTENDED DEADLINE for ABSTRACT SUBMISSIONS : sunday 04/07/2021 ***

Practices in Research #02 - Tour d'Horizon - Published

Practices in Research #02 - Tour d'Horizon, the second issue of our journal for practice-based research, has been published. Follow the link below.

LucAs Architecturebook #4 - Passion & Work

For LucAs—Architecturebook #4, text contribution
will explore two tracks.

PASSION. You are an actively practicing architect: which passion, which urgency drives your engagement in academics? You are a student : which passion, which urgency drives you through the demanding studios? From the exploration of unknown fields to the pragmatics of construction, from the generous sharing and the pleasure of inspiration, you are invited to formulate the causes and modalities of your engagement.
WORK. LucAs—Architecturebook #4 contains student and teacher’s work. Not only the beautiful final documents, but also the intriguing work documents that made the difference in the design process. You are invited to reflect on two documents: one work document and one final document. Stick close to the real documents, be descriptive and explorative.

recording of the In Practice evening 20/10/2020 available

This recording includes the booklaunch of the book "Raamwerk In Practice : Lichtervelde Youth House" with a conversation between Bart Decroos (Universiteit Antwerpen) and Rolf Hughes (KU Leuven), followed by a lecture about Office Kersten Geers David Van Severen's project Dar Al Jinaa by David Van Severen (Office KGDVS, Harvard GSD) and about AgwA's projet Durlet by Harold Fallon (AgwA, KU Leuven).

LucAs Architecturebook #3 -the Eugeen Tanja selection

On 11/02/21 - 17h30 we are happy to present ONLINE the LucAs Architecturebook #3 - The Eugeen Tanja Selection.

presentation by Eugeen Liebaut and Harold Fallon
Lecture by Laura Muyldermans

Register on

Gallery Magazine N°1 - Jan De Vylder & Inge Vinck

This is the first issue of Gallery Magazine with invited guests Jan De Vylder & Inge Vinck.

The magazine is conceived as an alternative medium of expression for the invited architect or practice ˗one per issue˗ to experiment with: it is not a representation of built work nor a textual description, yet an autonomous project. For this reason, selected guests are asked to develop specific, original content with the ​aim of clarifying their vision in a form that we hope would interest a wider audience and provide those already interested with unexpected insights.​

In Issue N°1 Jan De Vylder & Inge Vinck presents a series of Excel drawings.

VERVELING (boredom) VERVEELING (bored-om) VERVELLING (molt)

Editors : Johannes Ströhmenger Berry &​ Jonathan Robert Maj
Drawings & Texts :  Jan De Vylder & Inge Vinck
Publisher : APE (Art paper Editions)
Design : Chloé D’hauwe, Ine Meganck & Jurgen Maelfeyt (6′56″)​
ISBN : 978-9-4931-4649-5

Raamwerk In Practice, Lichtervelde Youth House : available online

The book "Raamwerk In Practice : Lichtervelde Youth House" is available for online purchase, and over a couple of weeks in all the good bookshops. Please check the "books" section of the website. Direct link to the publisher below.