"Raamwerk In Practice" DAM Book Award 2021 prize Winner
We are proud to announce that the book “Raamwerk In Practice, Lichtervelde Youth Centre” is one of the ten prize winners of the DAM Book Award 2021 amongst 235 candidates. The book is edited by Harold Fallon (KU Leuven), Benoît Vandenbulcke (ULiège) and Benoît Burquel (ULB) as an initiative of the interuniversity research group www.architectureinpractice.eu .
The authors are Bart Decroos, Freek Dendooven and Gijs De Cock with contributions by Harold Fallon, Benoît Vandenbulcke and Benoît Burquel. The book is double-blind peer reviewed.
It is published by Mer (imprint of Borgerhoff & Lamberigts) : https://borgerhoff-lamberigts.be/boeken/raamwerk-in-practice-lichtervelde-youth-centre
It is also available digitally in open access: https://www.architectureinpractice.eu/books
The award ceremony is streamed online :